Unleash the Power of Data-Driven
Direct Mail Campaigns

Back to the future - why Direct Mail still works
Discover how data-driven Direct Mail campaigns can transform customer engagement, boost ROI, and foster genuine connections. At Sagacity, we've harnessed the potential of personalised messaging, refined targeting, and strategic execution to create remarkable success stories for our clients. Explore the stories that showcase the undeniable power of our data-backed approach.
Success stories that inspire
Retailer: Creating a Personalised
Customer Experience
34% Uplift in Open Rates
Explore how a forward-thinking retailer achieved an impressive 34% uplift in open rates by delivering personalised customer experiences through data-driven direct mail campaigns. Discover how tailoring messages to individual preferences can drive engagement and enhance results.
Charity: Optimising Data Quality
for Fundraisings
£60K Cost Savings
Join us as we delve into the journey of a charitable organisation that achieved cost savings of £60,000 by optimising data quality in their fundraising campaigns. Learn how our data-backed solutions streamlined their efforts, ensuring resources were maximised for impactful results.
Insurance: Creating Pet-Owner-Specific Variables for Direct Marketing
2.5x Return on Investment
Step into the insurance world as we unveil how a strategic focus on pet-owner-specific variables led to a 2.5x return on investment for a direct marketing campaign. Discover how our tailored approach leveraged data insights to resonate with the right audience and drive exceptional outcomes.
Why choose Sagacity?

Data-Backed Strategies
Our approach is rooted in meticulous data analysis, ensuring that every campaign targets the right audience for maximum impact.

Personalised Engagement
We believe in crafting messages that resonate on a personal level, fostering authentic connections that drive results.

Strategic Execution
Timing is crucial, and our refined delivery strategies ensure your message reaches recipients when they're most receptive.

Integrated Approach
No media channel lives in isolation
and we provide planning and insight to ensure
Direct Mail integrates with your other campaigns.

Proven Success
Our clients' success stories speak for
themselves, underscoring our commitment
to delivering tangible results.
Download our
Direct Mail Checklist
Unlock the Power of data-driven
Direct Mail!
Turn your marketing efforts into success stories. Contact us now to discover how data-driven direct mail campaigns can reshape your brand's narrative and elevate your business to new heights.
Check out our case studies...
We've delivered a wealth of benefits for direct mail clients across a number of sectors.